Saturday, November 10, 2012


Driving in my car.  Not just any car, she has a name…Molly.  Molly has been a loyal friend for 13 years!  Red and fun!  Well, to me, she is.  Now, my grandson, Jude, may think differently.  It is a small car, so, as he grows, Molly gets smaller!  So Jude can have more room for his little legs that stretch out from his car seat,  I scoot my seat up.  Knees to the steering wheel, hoping if the airbag has to release it doesn’t hit my double-chin like a punching bag!  Anyway, enough about that...

"Molly" takes us down Interstate 30, the path that leads us to the hospital where little sister, Briley is.  Big brother listens to the songs of Jesus blaring through the car stereo, filling the atmosphere.  Yes, he has a cool Granna!  Well, actually, he is always saying, “Turn it up!  I can’t hear it.”  So, I do.  I do because he loves to sing the songs on the radio as if he wrote them all!  This makes me smile.  But, there is a bigger smile coming.

Jude is always sprinkling sunshine on my day.  Today is no exception.

One other thing he does when a song comes on is asks this question, “Granna, what is that song talking about?”  He wants to know the meaning of the words sung!  Isn’t that why we sing?  For the words to resound in our soul with hope, joy, and thankfulness?

This day, the song that came on was called “When The Stars Burn Down” by Phillips, Craig & Dean.   “Granna, what is that song talking about?”  I said, “It is talking about when Jesus returns.  It talks about praising Him and thanking Him for everything!”  He says, “What things?”  In his language, I say “For the trees, the flowers, for saving us…”  He interrupts, “Wait, wait, wait!!". He continues, "Then, He gives us cookies and says rest.  He gives us cookies and tells us to rest. Uh huh.  Yep.”  Wow, I thought I had to break my answers down to his level.  But, Jude, my 2 year old grandson, broke the answers down to my level.

Here is what I received from what he said.  While here on earth, as God’s children, we work until His return.  We work at letting others know about Him and the hope of eternal life in Him!  We work hard and then WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! That's Him!  He returns!  Delivering His promise (COOKIES) and lets us know it is time to REST in glory, Singing… blessings, and honor and glory and power forever to our God!

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