Monday, November 5, 2012

Treasures of God's Glory!

Italicized contributed by Beverly Turner (Jude and Briley's Idgie)

As I look out our dining room window and see the spectacular burst of colors. It came to mind, that we go through seasons of tests, trials, difficulties, & droughts, not just physically, but spiritually. As we perservere through these with FAITH, total FAITH, God never fails us! He always has ways, His treasures, that refreshes & restores our soul with these glimpses of His Glory!

Thank you, Bev, for painting a beautiful "word picture" and for sharing the photo you took of the tall trees displaying their beauty in the leaves flanked with Fall's colors!

The picture you see is also where Jude has been.  Oh, as I view this lovely picture, I can hear his laughter and the fallen leaves rustle as he runs through them as fast as he can!  After a visit to Idgie and Pops house he brought back a ziplock bag of acorns to show us all!  Idgie said Jude brought back his "Acorn Family"... daddy, mommy, Jude and Briley!  Then he said, "Oh, here's a Samson acorn!"  Samson is his dog.  Family complete!  He was so proud!

I know in my heart that as he was picking up acorns, he was leaving behind many Jude smiles; a treasure, a glimpse of God's glory!

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